Gendarmeries of the World Directory

This exceptional work, which gathers all the characteristics of 45 gendarmeries or same type of forces existing in the world, is finally appeared. Written out in French and in English, in the A4 format, widely ‘iconographied’, conceived as well for private individuals, French administrations and foreign institutions, international organizations and private companies, it is aimed at all those who, for diverse motives, are interested in internal security questions in several countries of the world. 

About fifty countries in the world adopt the Gendarmerie type of public police force system today. Whatever they are called Gendarmeries, Carabiniere, Constabularies, Troops, etc., all these forces possess in common specific characteristics, which differentiate them from others internal security systems. The main is attached to their military character, which determines as well their hierarchical organization than their staffs’ status, their modes of action or their equipment. 

Far from disappearing, this internal security system is in full development as evidenced by the re-creations of gendarmeries in some Eastern Europe countries at the end of the XXth century or even the recent creation of new gendarmeries such as those of the Jordanian Gendarmerie, in 2008, or the Mexican Gendarmerie, in 2014. The emergence of new threats, obviously the terrorism, but also internal disorders growing up risks in some countries and serious crime development certainly explain the choice of this force system of which intervention capacities in crisis situation are not to be demonstrated any more. 

World premiere, this reference document is to be hold by all those who are interested in the "Gendarmerie" system in office in more than 45 countries of the world. 

All information provided by the gendarmerie of the 45 countries of the world listed are available either in the form of a book, either directly through online consultation.